create an opposition to Twitter; prevent split of democratic forces; instead unite democratic forces, overcome trench warfare, show Trumpists how actual discussions look like; division of the left might be softended through this; also make unusual allies for example with neocons, traditional conservatives or yes, J.K. Rowling; the more democratic forces are in the boat, the better, the rest is solved by federation
Nevermind that the Neocons helped build the Trump State, by dint of our government being unwilling to prosecute the War Crimes of Bush and Cheney.
Nevermind that JK Rowling and others literally are making life more dangeous for trans people and for women. The number of women who “don’t look feminine enough” and are being harassed in bathrooms by cis men is fucking astounding.
Anyone who even passingly suggests bullshit like this shouldn’t be taken seriously, period.
We don’t make the world better by telling bigots that its okay to be a fucking hateful bigot. 1 year ago
What if we want democracy but nothing to do with Liberalism? Let’s work towards a more progressive, humanity focused social agenda. Let’s make people happy again. 1 year ago
Can you define how Liberalism is different from Progressivism? I’ve always self-identified as progressive because I don’t feel liberal democrats go far enough, but I don’t actually know what makes Liberalism distinct from something more progressive. 1 year ago
liberalism aligns with capitalism. most progressive are anticapitalist. sure, there are progressive liberals but they are usually perceived as not real progressives by the socialists, etc. 1 year ago
It’s my (fairly uneducated) observation and understanding that liberalism is often significantly more aligned with conservatism than socialism, for example. It’s ultimately under the umbrella of ideologies that support and prop up capitalism. 1 year ago
You can have that. But I also want conservatives in the Fediverse to simulate societal debate better here. Defederation still exists, of course.
It’s not about agreeing on everything but about finding common grounds again between opposing parties that at least share some common values. 1 year ago
Why would anyone want debate with a conservative?
They have no ideas to contribute to society.