So, I’m experimenting with running a Mailu instance on my home server but proxying all of the relevant traffic through a WireGuard tunnel to my VPS. I’m currently using NGINX Proxy Manager streams to redirect the traffic and it all seems to be working.

The only problem is that, all connections appear to come from the VPS. It’s really screwing with the spam filter. I’m trying to figure out if there’s a way to retain the source IP while still tunneling the traffic.

The only idea I have, and I don’t know if it’s a bad one, is to us iptables to NAT the ports inbound on the VPS and on my home router (opnsense) route all outbound traffic from that IP back through the VPS instead of the default gateway. This way I shouldn’t need to rewrite the destination port on the VPS side.

It sound a bit hacky tho, and I’m open to better suggestions.
