Being a foss enthusiast I can configure most of my software in way too many ways. However I noticed that this is not true for most compilers. Which got me thinking: why isn’t that the case. In gcc (or your favorite compiler tool) I have a shitload of options about what are errors and warnings and how the code should be compiled and tons of other options. But not on how the code should be interpreted and what the code should look like.

Why can’t I simply add a module to a compiler to make it [objective oriented | have indentation for brackets | automatically allocate memory | automatically assume types | auto forward-declarate | some other thing that differentiates one language from another]* ? Its so weird that I have a pdf reader that has an option to set the window icon, a mail client that lets me specify regex to search for a mentioned but forgotten attachment and play a game that lets me set my texture picmip resolution. But that the tool (gcc) to build these things has not even got a config file build in. We have build tools around them to supply arguments.

This could look like the following: ( oversimplified )

  1. preprocess

  2. compile

  3. assemble

  4. link


  5. add brackets from indentation

  6. preprocess

  7. check if objective oriented constraints are all satisfied

  8. do something else

  9. compile

  10. assemble

  11. run assembly through as an example ai for antivirus scanning

  12. link

  13. run test

There could also be a fork in this process: sending for example the source code both to a compiler and an interpreter to detect edge case behavior while compiling. Or compile with both automatic typing and your defined typing so that when rounding errors are big you can instantly compare with a dynamically typed version of your program. Or the other way around, maybe you want different parts of your code to be handled with different preprocessors.

The compiling process should be configured per project for things about the input like syntax and per computer for things about the output like optimizations.

There are of course some drawbacks, one being a trust issue where someone pulls in a obscure module to build malicious releases. It probably also is harder to maintain stability when you have to keep in mind that your preprocessor isn’t the first to be run. And your compiling process can take a lot longer if you have to go through multiple pre, post or even compilation phases.

If you know such a compiler, or c (: haha :) some obvious reasons that this should not exist, please let me know. Thank you for reading this lenghty post.