I made this game with a friend. We’re interested in your feedback!
It said that it wasn't bigger than a housecat. That threw me off.
Submitted 1 year ago by eriner@lemmy.world to games@lemmy.world
I made this game with a friend. We’re interested in your feedback!
It said that it wasn't bigger than a housecat. That threw me off.
Mine said it was bigger than a cat
Lol I asked the same question
I got it in 19, but only because I asked if it was smaller than a house cat and I thought raccoons were larger.
Oooh this is a cool concept, thanks for sharing! I'll add it to my rotation of stuff to play on my conmute.
I threw some weird questions here and there to see if it had issues, it didn't know how to answer either of these:
-Does its name start with a vowel?
-Does its name have less than ten letters?
Although that might have been due to my clumsy wording.
LLMs tend to perform poorly with questions about linguistic characteristics of words. We have tuned responses to gently discourage questions like that. We also feel that they’re kind of “cheating” at this sort of game. :)
Glad you enjoy it!
We also feel that they’re kind of “cheating” at this sort of game.
Hehehehehehe that is true, I'll play fair instead of trying to see what it lets me get away with. Well, most days at least.
Haven't tried using llm for this kind of stuff so it's very interesting to see where its limits lie
There’s a cool one called chronogram that has an AI pretending to be an historical figure. You basically have a conversation to figure out who they are. It’s pretty cool, but now it requires you to sign up or use a Google account, which is a bummer
It said yes when I asked if the answer was a carnivore, but the answer was an omnivore.
It might be because they are part of the Order ‘carnivora’, so in that sense they are carnivores even though they are omnivorous.
That threw me off too, but I had asked if it ate meat. Then later asked if it was an omnivore.
Is it an animal / human? 👎
I think it didn’t handle the “/” here very well. I’ve made a change to hopefully improve the outcome of that in the future.
Looks like it doesn’t let you cheat by asking two questions at once! It works just fine if you ask it if it’s an animal.
Those don’t live in Europe or Africa? Huh.
Nice. I got 17 and I would debate the size of that versus a bread box. Still got pretty much everything else right
I had no idea a ______ could be considered food……
I've eaten it, if you shoot it you have to clean it and eat it. It's a rule.
I asked if it was edible and got a no.
There are people who would.
Managed it in 5 somehow. Very cool.
Think it’s broken, I asked it
“is it under 6 letters” “is it less than 6 letters”
And it shrugged both times
I asked >Is it finned? And got no for an answer.
I asked if it had stripes mid way through and it said no….its wrong. Lame.
How does this work? You can’t possibly have all these questions hard coded. Is it asking something like ChatGPT “does an X eat meat?”
Yeah I noticed the past two days already that it answers with an LLM, and that of course gets stuff wrong quite frequently.
Pretty cool game, didn’t manage to find the answer in 20 questions though
Wilzax@lemmy.world 6 months ago
Dead link, sad to see this one go