I Can’t Drink Now Like I Used to a Few Years Ago (26M), is that Normal?
During college and a few years after (maybe til 23/24) I drank almost weekly and don’t get drunk that easily. In terms of beers, maybe I get tipsy at about 6 and give up at 10.
But now, I drink 2 and I get tipsy, and maybe tap out at 4/5.
Is that normal?
echoplex21@lemmy.world 1 year ago
I remember the days in college where I’d drink the night and then have kegs and eggs in the morning. Or drinking and then taking a bus to Philly that night and drinking for St Pattys day. It’s been a decade since and now way in hell could I do that again.
There’s some ways to counteract it. Make sure you drink a ton of water. I usually always have vodka sodas now so I’m more hydrated. Also carry liquid ivs around which helps.