Men overran a job fair for women in tech — Grace Hopper Celebration is meant to unite women in tech. This year droves of men came looking for jobs::The Grace Hopper Celebration is meant to unite women in tech. This year droves of men came looking for jobs.
Every article I have seen on this seems to be putting the blame on the men, as if men are in some kind of hivemind and plotted as a group to do this or some shit.
It’s obviously the organizers fault, if they wanted it to be women only, they should’ve done something to ensure that.
And if they cant do something to ensure that for legality reasons, than the entire conference shouldn’t exist in the first place or they organizers need to suck it up and accept that this is what success looks like.
A bunch of men came to listen to women talk about tech.
Isn’t that what you’d want?
There’s a point where we need to transition from "safe place for " to “Okay the normal places are safe places now”
You see this with gay bars, in my city almost every gay bar has effectively shut down and gone out of business, because now every bar is a “gay bar”, in that gay people just… go to any bar and hang out and hook up. There’s no longer a desire for the exclusive place.
Let me frame the title in some other way, to perhaps show what I am talking about:
In a sign of feminism’s progress, today hundreds of men flocked to a women run tech convention, to sit in chairs and listen to a bunch of women talk about tech, and apply for positions to work under women CEOs and CTOs, without so much as batting an eye and no one making fun of the idea of a man working as a subordinate to a woman
Like seriously, isn’t this literally a big sign that feminism has made massive strides? Could you fucking imagine thirty years ago something like this happening?
Imagine a bunch of dudes in the 80s or 90s, flocking to get hired and work under women, flocking to pack the seats and sit in rapt attention as a woman stepped on stage to talk about breakthroughs in tech.
Why is this being framed as “ooga booga, men bad for wanting to listen to women for a change” lol
Do you want to piss all these dudes off and have them not want to work for women? Do you want to go back to guys making fun of women for wanting to be a CEO of a company? Do you want to shame men for not caring about the gender of a prospective boss/leader?
Cuz it really kind of sounds like thats what these articles are trying to frame this occurrence as when they blame the men for this and not the organizer
Shame on you men! Shame! Everyone knows you’re supposed to stand outside the convention, jeering and making fun of women, standing in front of the news crews and talking about how women outta stay in the kitchen. Definitely not packing the seats to listen to them talk lol, that’d be crazy! 1 year ago
I get that these people are probably desperate, but that seems like a very short sighted decision. The employers there are not there for men, so turning up there is just going to make you seem tone deaf at best, or an asshole at worst. 1 year ago
It’s stupid, I’ve been on hiring committees and we would never hire someone who did this. It’s a huge red flag. 1 year ago
You just admitted to discriminating on the basis of sex in a hiring process, how is that ok?
Gender should not be part of the consideration of a hiring process. There should be equitable outcomes for all, not just the people we bias.