So this is a thought I had the other day. Do you think for longevity / preservation it is best to leave consoles connected to power or leave them unplugged, ignoring something like a power surge?
Let’s be honest, old consoles were BEASTS.
I remember my old PS2 used to be perpetually on, I would come home and just flip on the tvand there was my game, sometimes it was a neccesity if I was playing a ps1 game because I didn’t have a ps1 memory card, I swear that thing had to be on for months at a time and it was just fine.
It gets a little harder the newer the console is though, take the 360, if I had done that with that console it would be red ringed before a week 1 year ago
I’m going to go against the norm here. It’s probably better to have them plugged in sometimes, if not always. Old capacitors can dry out and become brittle, which can destroy a mainboard when they surge and pop.
Nothing you do will be 100% guaranteed to keep electronics alive forever, because components wear out. Each console will have specific components with specific failure types that means that some are better having always power, some are better with sometimes power, and some are better with zero power. But my gut says that older consoles plugged into a quality UPS will probably last longer than a console sitting in a box unpowered.
This is just one type of failure mode, but there are many other things that can cause damage. Power surges, transformer enamel wearing out, resistors cracking, thermal cycling of solder, thermal paste drying out, permanent CMOS batteries dying… etc. etc. etc.