It probably would’ve worked, too, especially if he could’ve put things off until Trump’s return to power.
when all else fails
Submitted 2 days ago by to [deleted]
Comments 1 day ago 1 day ago
I mean, didn’t he do that Carlson interview a few days ago? I wouldn’t put it past Trump to pardon him, as long as he keeps on message and drums up some attention. 2 days ago
That’s DUMB. Republicans Do Their Own Research so could EASILY see through Any and All of these Criminals and Pedophiles JOINING their Party and then them Protecting Them with their Lives! 1 day ago
SAD! 2 days ago
Thanks, Caroline Ellison, for burning this fucker to the ground.
She got a lot of shit just for looking awkward but she came out seeming like the only person with real regrets and an intent to take him down, even if she went down, too. That’s pretty rare. 1 day ago
Yeah, she still seems like a terrible person but probably the least terrible of this whole crew. Certainly less terrible than SBF. 1 day ago
I think you’re giving her too much credit, I think it was merely pragmatism. “Someone is gonna go down for this, may as well not be me.”