They should do the same for twitter and meta too.
Albania to block TikTok in the coming days
Submitted 3 days ago by to
Comments 2 days ago 2 days ago
Why? Because you don’t like them?
How about we just let people choose rather than having the government choose for us? 2 days ago
I think there are muchore substantial reasons at play here than just “not liking it,” and I think you knew that before you posted. :P 2 days ago
So much so for the special Sino-Albanian relationship! 3 days ago
Social media is a double edged sword. It connects but also isolates… informs but also decieves. Entertains, but also cripples.
It’s crazy to think that things were so different even just 15 years ago. Maybe one day we can once again have a wholly positive relationship with this technology. But first, I think, we have to break the addiction.
In other words, I think this is a good start. 3 days ago
China regulates TT a great deal and not just in a censorship kinda way either. I forget the details but supposedly they’re required to have their algorithm lean educational and wholesome over engagement and trash
I think that’s not a bad idea tbh