The year is 2025, and you are Kash Patel, the head of the FBI, or someone in his body. All other institutions are crumbling under the orange dumbass, yours is still intact. What do?
One of Trump's pick being secretly competent or being someone else enitely in their body is a golden fanfic meaterial.
Submitted 5 days ago by to 5 days ago
Clearly my organization has been the sole survivor for a reason. I will form it into a spear to plunge at Trump’s enemies.
/s but this is actually what’s happening. 5 days ago
Conspiracy enthusiasts should be pushed aside so real fiction writers can take a hold.
I heard the news, but I doubt that’s what really happening. 5 days ago
Have you not seen the FCC and FBIs become dissent cudgels? Thats what’s been happening.