You need Command & Conquer™ Remastered Collection on Steam for the game assets in order to play OpenRA.
Also, the appimage needs to be run as sudo, otherwise it crashes with a seg fault.
OpenRA update brings a revamped Map Editor, high-quality Dune 2000 assets, more Red Alert missions
Submitted 5 days ago by [bot] to
Comments 5 days ago 5 days ago
When did they make that a requirement? I was playing open RA last year and the only thing I didn’t have was music. 5 days ago 5 days ago
OpenRA has already done more for the RTS industry and growing new ideas forward than EA will ever do.
It is going to be funny when all of a sudden the RTS industry comes back from the dead with a vengence because all of a sudden there are good moddable platforms for RTS games that massive investment companies can’t vacuum up and extract the spine and heart out of.