Printing a BD-1 droid from Star Wars; Fallen Order/Survivor at 300% (Printables). Noticed that the filament was running really low and needed to be choosey about what part I printed next. I feel I choose wisely.
The Force is with you.
Submitted 1 day ago by to
Printing a BD-1 droid from Star Wars; Fallen Order/Survivor at 300% (Printables). Noticed that the filament was running really low and needed to be choosey about what part I printed next. I feel I choose wisely.
The Force is with you.
Very close. 21 hours ago
Ah yes the filament. I totally didn’t think it was a close call with the bed probe crashing into the print until reading the body of your post. 18 hours ago
I’m planning on buying a 3D printer relatively soon, but haven’t ever had one so I’ve never bothered to learn much about them. Could I bother you to point out which part is the bed probe? 16 hours ago
The black cylindrical piece with the blue cap at the bottom in the front right of the extruder assembly