Yes, this goes doubly so for the states that receive the most hand outs, deep red states every damn one, like Louisiana (Mike Johnson’s state, yes that scumbag who desperately wants to cut medicaid).
Yes it is easy as a NE lefty to point and laugh bitterly at the leopards eating faces people screaming about getting their faces eaten by leopards, but just because people have stupid politics doesn’t mean they deserve the horrible degree of suffering that is coming for them, poor working class people in red states are about to get hit so incredibly hard it is fucking tragic.
Yeah, we are gonna get hit everywhere, and most people aren’t that far from being in scary financial straits in the US even if they aren’t technically “working class” or the poorest of the poor on paper, it is going to be ugly because you are right, this is definitely the greatest assault on the lower classes since the Reagan era.
How horrible to be brutally reminded in 2025 of how fucked the air traffic controllers got for striking because of staffing issues and other reason during the Reagan era and how those issues in many ways were never actually addressed. 5 days ago
In reality it is class politics and attempts by the rich to distract us from class politics all the way down. 5 days ago
The destruction of federal agencies is the greatest assault on the lower classes since the Reagan era. 5 days ago
Yes, this goes doubly so for the states that receive the most hand outs, deep red states every damn one, like Louisiana (Mike Johnson’s state, yes that scumbag who desperately wants to cut medicaid).
Yes it is easy as a NE lefty to point and laugh bitterly at the leopards eating faces people screaming about getting their faces eaten by leopards, but just because people have stupid politics doesn’t mean they deserve the horrible degree of suffering that is coming for them, poor working class people in red states are about to get hit so incredibly hard it is fucking tragic.
Yeah, we are gonna get hit everywhere, and most people aren’t that far from being in scary financial straits in the US even if they aren’t technically “working class” or the poorest of the poor on paper, it is going to be ugly because you are right, this is definitely the greatest assault on the lower classes since the Reagan era.
How horrible to be brutally reminded in 2025 of how fucked the air traffic controllers got for striking because of staffing issues and other reason during the Reagan era and how those issues in many ways were never actually addressed.
:( 5 days ago
It never stopped, buddy