Michele Bachmann is around and loud.
Tim Huelskamp has a PAC that spreads disinformation.
Tom Price is kicking. He was Trump’s Secretary of HHS in his first term.
John Carter exists still.
Pete Sessions is still in the House.
Lamar Smith is still alive
David Schweikert is still in the House.
Tom McClintock is still in the House.
Doug Lamborn was in the House until this year.
Gus Bilirakis is still in the House.
Steve Scalise is the current House Majority Leader.
Tim Walberg is still in the House.
Blaine Luetkemeyer just left the House this year.
Adrian Smith is still in the House.
Jeff Duncan just left the House this year.
Joe Wilson is still in the House.
Michael Burgess is still in the House and on the Rules Committee.
stopdropandprole@lemmy.world 1 week ago
are there any even alive still? I assume they didn’t get liberty so they just died (unvaccinated, gasping for air, of COVID, on life support funded by Obamacare).
one of their main goals was their getting an “African” out of the White House… it doesn’t appear to have worked.
the other was repealing Obamacare… something Diaper Don couldn’t accomplish even when they had control of three branches…
so many L’s
sad honestly.