I finally got around to watching some Discovery (though I’m only through the first few episodes of season 4). My thoughts:

  • First three are a moderately enjoyable sci-fi drama
  • I have to admit, season 3 just presented enough interesting ideas and mystery I was able to ignore most of its flaws
  • I’ve really started to notice death by subplots, though. It feels like they try to do 4 different plots in an episode, 2 which they do okay and 2 which are way weaker than they should be. I would have rather they done 2 subplots really well.
  • Also, background character development feels a bit weak. I spent half the first couple seasons wondering who the heck Ariam was, and just when I did, they killed her before the audience could develop much of an attachment. They could have at least thrown in a few more crew barbecue scenes.
  • I am now more impressed at what Lower Decks did with fewer, shorter episodes a season than Discovery. They really managed to create a sense that we’d been with these characters a long time and that they were growing despite the entire show being shorter than 1 TNG season. I do have a few gripes about season 5 (my main one being how does Ma’ah go from “Beckett is honorable” like, a few hours after meeting her to immediately distrusting her in the finale), but my respect for LD has only grown.