They got fuckin face recognition bs tracking u tho.
aussie pride worlwide
Submitted 5 weeks ago by to
Comments 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
Damn that’s kinda creepy 5 weeks ago
Well, not really they have face recognition on the entrance to see if you match one of the scum bags beating their staff or stealibg shit and it’s deleted, there’s no tracking. If you do match there security staff are alerted.
Taking them at their word, your image is deleted after 0.2s and they have no idea who you are anyway. Your anonumous scan just doest match said scum bag.
I’m ok with it if what they say happens does happen, an audit by the privacy commissioner should conform that either way and then thy can clear them or expose them. Instead they just said don’t do it.
It’s nothing like biomteric scans at airports where who you are is matched to your facial scan. 5 weeks ago
Nah, their reasoning is crap.
Facematching your local methhead does fuck all - he’s not gonna listen to staff banning him and cops will claim they can’t do anything with the footage. So that excuse is right out the window
They also don’t delete it - already copped a foot up the arse in that regard that they’re challenging. 5 weeks ago
god bless 🥲 5 weeks ago
Ha! Accurate. 5 weeks ago
I don’t understand how the heck Bunnings manages to have so much public good will.
It’s a total monopoly that has run all of it’s competition out of business and over the past 20 years has become progressively shitter at customer service.
I miss other hardware stores 😔 5 weeks ago
It's also less and less of a hardware store and more and more a crappy homewares store. If you need actual hardware—timber, metal, proper tools etc—or god forbid, advice then you are out of luck if a hammerbarn has killed all the hardware stores in your area.
@shinyrat 5 weeks ago
There are other ways to source your hardware and tools. Discount Stores and Home/Mitre 10/Total Tools/Sydney Tools/etc are still around.
Wholesale material suppliers are often willing to sell Retail as long as you don’t waste their staffs time. The One True Monopsony (Amazon) also sell most of the stuff from Bunnings, cheaper.
Also AliExpress and Temu have most of the small consumables at a much competitive price. Just remember that some of it will be eWaste in a few months, but that goes for any electronics purchased from anywhere.
The main benefit of Bunnings is that they are open long hours and have lowest-common-denominator products that aren’t too overpriced Also, you buy a sausage made of sawdust and beef fat on the way out (very tasty, although not very healthy.) 5 weeks ago
@Joshi @shinyrat Mitre 10 is still around. 5 weeks ago
@mativity @Joshi @shinyrat yup, Mitre 10 and Home Hardware are both still around (now the same company that also owns Total Tools). Also, a Bowen’s building supplies opened up in the old Bunnings nearby after they moved out to an even bigger store. 5 weeks ago
everytime I’ve been has been fine? except when I look for a small widget that has 10 in stock on the website but there’s none on the shelf because scumbags have stolen them all but 99% of the time it’s fine 5 weeks ago
It is fine, unless you want a brand that doesn’t have a deal with Bunnings, or unless you want garden furniture that is remotely durable, or unless you want some advice from someone who has experience in hardware.
Back when Bunnings was one of several large chains and small local hardwares were much more common it was easy, even Bunnings was made better by the competition. Monopolies are bad for consumers.