The men seemingly age normally, women are eternal though
Uhmm.. WTF?
Submitted 5 weeks ago by to
Comments 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
I like that MC’s relatives all have beauty marks by their mouth and one more gets added for each new generation.
Also, second cousin might be creepy but is probably far enough removed to not matter much. Not sure where my cut off line would be. I don’t know all of my first cousins and I don’t think I’ve ever met any second cousins. It’s a bit more of a “would I even figure out if they are a second cousin” situation than anything else. I sure as hell wouldn’t be able to figure out any third cousins. I don’t know enough of my family history for that. 5 weeks ago
From what I’ve read, even first cousin is far enough if you don’t already have inbreeding problems
But it’s an uncomfortable topic, so we don’t talk about it much… Hell even the fact that it’s legal in half the US and not the other is crazy, people just really don’t like thinking about it 5 weeks ago
When you have a family ladder instead of a family tree…
Also pretty big lack of Habsburg chins. 5 weeks ago
Cousin-aunt do be looking fine though 5 weeks ago
Alabama 5 weeks ago
manic banjo playing