- Comment on Sweden says China denied request for prosecutors to board ship linked to severed cables 2 months ago:
The ship did damage a pipeline and a fibre optic cable by dragging their anchor for no reason in the middle of the sea.
Most of the investigation is against the company and the ship in particular, not China as a whole. They need to look over their routines if nothing else.
- Comment on Gender-specific toilets to be required in non-residential buildings in England 9 months ago:
The thing they’re against is communal handwashing apparently.
- Comment on Gender-specific toilets to be required in non-residential buildings in England 9 months ago:
That would be a ‘universal’ toilet and thus allowed.
According to ministers, 81% agreed with the intention for separate single-sex toilet facilities in a consultation on the proposals, while 82% also agreed with the intention to provide “universal” toilets – a self-contained, and a fully enclosed toilet room with a wash hand basin for individual use – where space allows.
- Comment on Geography is neat 10 months ago:
Cement is kind of a big pile of rocks if you think about it. And yes, that is Treriksröset.