Banking with CBA is like staying with an abusive spouse, they may apologise for hurting you, but they will do it again.
Commonwealth Bank pauses plans to charge customers $3 fee to withdraw cash
Submitted 2 months ago by to
Comments 2 months ago 2 months ago
cough when they just kinda forgot people have money, and duplicated every transaction putting most people in horrendous debt for a day
They didn’t even really apologise for that. They did on their website, but besides that, I didn’t hear shit from them. Not even an apology letter, let alone any form of compensation 2 months ago
@Baku About time they backed off. Our banks most profitable in the world. We the users are doing it tough, and they still reporting record profits. It's why I use a community based bank! 2 months ago
I’ve used CUA (now Great Southern Bank) for 19 years, and I never want to change. Never had an issue with them, great customer service on the phone and in-person.
I read these stories about these major banks, and I’m thankful I’ve never migrated banks lol. This is just insane.
$3.00‽ What a rort 2 months ago
Good use of the interrobang (such a dirty sounding word), chudsy
Once I turn 18, I’m closing my CommBank account and going to ING. They seem to have the best feature set and terms for my needs. Macquarie and great Southern also came up though 2 months ago
We switched to Beyond Bank and love it. App works great, they have no issues with opening multiple transaction or savings accounts on one account so I can have a spare debit card for the kids and two savings accounts.
I have yet to see a fee, though I imagine there are some in certain cases. 2 months ago
“We tried sneaking it through, so our next approach will be to personally say fuck you to every customer” as we charge you in a few months time.
What fucking communication is there to get right on being greedy money hungry bastards. Is the amount they earn on interest from our peasant accounts not enough to cover a few seconds of a teller manually withdrawing their money? 2 months ago 2 months ago
A cost of cash conversation. Trying to cover the ever increasing cost per traansactiin for the small nunber of cash transactiins and possibly preempt the RBA stopping them milking so much from credit/debit fees where they can recover costs
As to being money hungry we’re in a neo liberal, capatilist economic system. They’re supposed to be money hungry, it’s how we incentivise. If you want more government oversite, or government institutions competing, you’ll need to stop voting LNP or ALP and start voting Green. Until then, more of the same. Less competition and more enshitifaction is the only outcome possible as this continues…