ISPs tell FCC that mistreated users would switch to one of their many other options.
One of their many other options, like, *checks coverage* not having internet.
Submitted 3 months ago by to
ISPs tell FCC that mistreated users would switch to one of their many other options.
One of their many other options, like, *checks coverage* not having internet.
lol, imagine a big isp patting themselves on the back lol
It’s like deciding on which criminal you want to be raped by first…there is no choice or options.
I think the fixed wireless providers such as T-Mobile, AT&T, and Verizon Home Internet are really a game changer here because they force these crappy cable providers to actually provide good internet or lose their customers.
I don’t switch providers because, for whatever reason, fiber only covers like 99.9% of my city and I don’t have any way to get them to cover the remaining parts.
Believe me, if I could track down how/why they laid fiber and prove that they should’ve done it to my house then I would. I just don’t know to begin that process. I’ve heard fiber was laid using public grants which is why I even think it might be a possibility.
You voted genocide. Death to america. 3 months ago
If there was more than one hard wired provider in any given area, a lot more users would probably switch. 3 months ago
There’s at least two in my area! They both suck! 3 months ago
Yup. I’m in that boat. Only have one provider: the local mom and pop telephone company. Their prices are outrageous, Internet is slow and service is 50/50. Only other option is satellite Internet.