And what’s to stop it from continuing to monopolize search engine usage just because it’ll be owned by another company? Wouldn’t whoever purchases it just continue operating it the same way, banking on the name recognition?
Google must sell Chrome to end search monopoly, justice department argues in court filing
Submitted 3 months ago by to
Comments 3 months ago 3 months ago
If Google does not set the price for 200 trillion USD and it can be really bought, then it will be probably M$ and they will change the search engine to Bing and integrate Coplilot or whatever the fuck it is called now into it. 3 months ago
Pretty sure that would count as monopoly as well and the sale wouldn’t be approved. 3 months ago
The buyer of chrome could make bing the default search engine and re-enable whatever broke Ublock origin (the ad blocker)
They could also cripple gapps and gmail a bit. It would also be harder for google to unilaterally develop new web standards.
That would no doubt consternate a few at Google and knee cap them forcing web shit down our throats that only improves their ad business. 3 months ago
Good news, but does someone more knowleagable of these things know the likelihood of a Trump DOJ derailing this? I am hopefully as the original case was brought in 2017 under Trump, and his relationship with Big Tech is at best strained, but I truly don’t know what to expect moving forward. 3 months ago
to me, shaving Android off their business (suggested next step if this fails) would be way more impactful 3 months ago
I think Google is putting their eggs in one basket (Android) in preparation for them selling off chrome. They are already killing ChromeOS.… 3 months ago
Android also becoming chrome OS in light of recent news of developing Android desktop mode and native Android compatibility with Linux apps, looks like they make hybrid OS that could do it all 3 months ago
I’m worrying that whatever gets sold (Chrome or Android) might end up in the hands of someone even more scummy than Google.