It is rightly said that one cannot achieve Quality without going through the Quantity. This is true for video files too. A high-quality video will have a larger size. But, there are times when we need to reduce the size of the video and use it for practical purposes. As camera technology advances, our video files are becoming increasingly larger, often reaching several gigabytes. This can pose a challenge when you want to share your videos, for instance, by uploading them to a platform like YouTube.
Poorly written “advice” columns that exist only to hawk you some product is everything that’s wrong with the way interactions over the internet work nowadays. It’s ghoulish. 2 months ago
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Title: "How To Compress A Video Without Losing Quality"
Anyway, use HandBrake to compress videos. It’s got a slider for quality so you can finetune the quality and file size to get as close to the file size you want to share it.