You’re describing very different use cases. Face unlock isn’t AI. It’s just using biometrics to generate a very complex password. It should and can run locally, I wouldn’t trust any provider to actually keep it local though. Everything else you mentioned happens in the cloud. You need a good amount of processing power to generate the necessary output, which happens on server farms. Thats why Bezos is looking into nuclear reactors to feed his farms enough energy.
Submitted 4 months ago by to
Comments 4 months ago 4 months ago
Let’s start with saying that the so called AI is not “intelligence”. It’s just a pretty advanced algorithm doing some “magic”. Behind the scenes it’s just a regular linear algebra equations dealing with bazillions of rows and columns feeded from the huge matrix. Modern mobile devices are capable of running “AI” models locally but it would cost a lot of power which would make a phone as unusable as Apple watch (aka charge it few times a day). So, the easy tasks like face id are done locally, more complex one (voice assistants) are outsourced to the cloud. 4 months ago
Can be either, neither is technically impossible. As another comment said, you can try for yourself what still works when your phone isn’t connected to the Internet. 4 months ago
Things that use the camera are happening on your phone.
Voice assistants are using remote services unless you’re positive you’ve setup a local privacy respecting one. 4 months ago
disable internet access and see what works and what doesn’t