I’m looking for 3rd parties who watch and report on developments in these large “world-shaping” corporations. Like a watchdog or a canary when they get into lawsuits or get caught doing bad things. Investigative reporting whether IRL or thorough internet documentarian style is ideal.
I’ve been thinking a lot about how google’s algorithm changes have contributed to the web becoming the shit show it is now and what the alternatives could be. I do want to make sure I have a clear understanding of as much of the history as I can.
I tried searching “who watches google” and obviously just got advertised pages of Android Wear spy bracelets.
Is there a good old-fashioned directory page (or Community) for these anti-Web 2.0 resources?
Your help is appreciated!
FuglyDuck@lemmy.world 4 months ago
have you tried this on platforms other than google?
Also, to answer the question… the cops/regulatory agencies (FTC, FCC, SEC, FBI/DOJ for examples. Sometimes congress hauls them before the senate or house of reps…)
njordomir@lemmy.world 4 months ago
Yes, I tried Duckduckgo, but also didn’t get great results. Admittedly, I could have revised my terms a few more times, but I’ve had good luck with things Lemmy recommends, and this doesn’t really seem like a niche interest on this site.
Thanks for the recommendation on all the 3 letter agencies. I bet there are mountains of CSPAN coverage out there for me to watch.