Dear houseplant community,
Like the beginning of any good letter, I should probably have written you sooner.
Anyway, a friend of mine had this beautiful plant that she neglected for months, completely drying it out. At the end there were just a few leaves hanging half a meter from the plant itself, completely dried out.
I cut off a piece, gave it roots, potted it, and it went wild! Explosive growth, every new leaf bigger than the last. It was unlike anything I've ever seen.
A few months later, it had had enough. Leaves started curling up and withering. Growth halted. I thought maybe I had forgotten to give it water, but that wasn't it. Moving it to a sunnier spot didn't help either. Now it's almost completely dead, and I miss what we once had.
So, a couple of questions:
- Does anyone have any idea what went wrong? Did I water it too much? Too little?
- What can I do? Can it be saved? Does it need plant nutrition? A bigger pot? I'm afraid of doing anything, as it seems so fragile one bad move would surely be the end of it.
Thank you so much in advance!
Yours truly,
Aa 5 months ago
That’s a calathea. Tropical rainforest plants that grow well below the shade of the canopy. It needs HUMIDITY, indirect dappled light, and never fully dry soil (nor saturated). Notoriously difficult as a houseplant. 5 months ago
Isn’t it a maranta, not calathea? Or are they related maybe? I’ve had some calathea, very pretty at first but then all drama and they die… I’ve had much more success with the maranta, fairly resilient imo. 5 months ago
Not sure, actually. But they grow in the same conditions.