Come back to us, stripey dog
Submitted 5 months ago by to [deleted]
Submitted 5 months ago by to [deleted] 5 months ago
Good news! There have been sightings and paw prints found. She’s out there! 5 months ago
There have been many sightings and footprints found of Bigfoot, too.
The last widely accepted sighting of a wild thylacine was in 1933, over a hundred years ago. Even if any tiny, isolated pockets had managed to escape extermination (which is unlikely on an island without much mountainous terrain or dense forest when everyone and their grandma was out hunting them for the bounty the government put on their tails), they’d be in big trouble owing to genetic drift by now. You always hear people say “I know what I saw,” but do they really? It makes me circle back to the Bigfoot thing. 5 months ago
Sister you might want to sit down for this surprising info: Bigfoot isn’t real. The thylacine is. And extinct animals are rediscovered regularly. Like the Galapagos tortoise that was officially extinct for 113 years and the Voeltzkows Chameleon was extinct for 107. The University of Queensland considers it “highly probable” that the thylacine was still alive at least until the 90s based on video and photograph evidence, which again- Bigfoot isn’t real. The thylacine is. So it’s apples and oranges to try and make that comparison between them. Even the ivory billed woodpecker has just last year been likely photographed again. Like am I crazy here? Thylacine isn’t a cryptid. It just hasn’t been seen in a long time 5 months ago
In colonial india, the british put a bounty on cobras. Indian villagers who would have usually just killed the cobras and went on with their day now tried to catch them alive so they could then farm them for multiple bounties. This ballooned the snake populations to ridiculous levels, and then the british found out about the scheme. They then cancelled the bounty program, and the snake rearers released their animals on places they thought were far from people.
Net result: More snakes than ever before. 5 months ago
IIRC there was also a manipulated photo of a thylacine with a chicken that contributed to the perceprion that they were killing all the livestock, leading the government to put a bounty on them.
The story of their extinction is so sad. They were beautiful animals.