Current search engine: Microsoft Bing because I current use Edge on my Windows computers.
Otherwise, on Linux I use DuckDuckGo on Mozilla Firefox though Edge is on Linux as well.
Submitted 6 months ago by to
Current search engine: Microsoft Bing because I current use Edge on my Windows computers.
Otherwise, on Linux I use DuckDuckGo on Mozilla Firefox though Edge is on Linux as well.
I do wonder why anyone would use Edge on Linux. I even wonder why anyone would even use Edge. Btw DDG uses Bing so you use the sane search engine.
Because corporate IT requires chrome or edge, and edge is the lesser of the two evils for now
I’ve been running Linux on all my computers for literally decades. But I’ve just started an online course and the college requires Edge — not Chromium, must be Edge. Yes, I’ve changed useragent, only Edge will work. Grrrr.
Btw DDG uses Bing so you use the same search engine.
… But DDG has additional privacy features, etc.
I am not so sure about that. DDG has been caught tracking before. I wouldn’t trust them. They are also getting into AI bs.
DDG have made their core product bad.
They skipped through the genuinely useful and appreciated straight to garbage features and privacy concerns waaaay quicker than firefox.
Pepperidge Farms would like to take a moment to remember ~S~earchlores and old Fravia 6 months ago 6 months ago
Why aren’t we all using YaCy?