For context: My family isn’t the richest and we live in a super rural area. Our house is a small 1 story home with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. My parents take 1 room and I (14 m almost 15) share a room with my older sister (17 f) which can be kinda annoying. We also share a bed which is normal for us since we’ve been sleeping together for years. My sister is someone who I would consider attractive objectively and I know it’s wrong to feel any sort of attraction to a sibling but there are times when I will see her walk out in a towel and catch myself looking for a little too long, or I feel a little awkward putting lotion on her back before she tans. My friends at my school also make a lot of comments about my sister who’s a senior and it kind of gets in my head. We’re also pretty comfortable changing in the same room with our backs turned to each other, and I kind of sleep better when I sorta hug her. She also tends to wear little around the house since it gets super hot here and we dont over use the air conditioning, and I know it’s wrong but I’ve been getting like random intrusive thoughts and feelings that make me wanna kick myself. Idk if there’s something wrong with me or if it’s just puberty but what do I do, need real advice.