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Bedfordshire Police have said just ten arrests were made over the Bedford River Festival this weekend (20/21 July) with Live Facial Recognition (LFR) technology responsible…
Submitted 7 months ago by to
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Bedfordshire Police have said just ten arrests were made over the Bedford River Festival this weekend (20/21 July) with Live Facial Recognition (LFR) technology responsible…
I’m sure there is copper and other metals that can be sold in these cameras. Has anyone notified the local scrappers?
Shit. I mean, the cameras themselves. They might be in a hardened case, but once you extract it, it’s probably some off-the-shelf webcam and a Raspberry Pi with a cellular or maybe even WiFi module.
Nah such surveilliance cams cost a fucking fortune. You actually might get in serious financial trouble if they find you guilty of destroying one.
Were the right people arrested though?
Yes. Computer said so.
You must not question the descision
Ah yes, the ol’ plausible deniability engine!
I thought the computer always says “no.” 7 months ago
Police state surveillance is, by its own perverse motives, self justifying. Among the many thousands in attendance only a couple arrests were made with its help, and so “it was a powerful deterrent!” If it caught many more, then we’d hear them crow about that. If it made false positives, then additional spending would be called for to improve the systems.
Once the money is spent and the people have submitted to be passively datamined, there’s no possible result, other than firm protest, that would call the practice into question. Sadly we are too used to surveillance. 7 months ago
On a related note, I suspect there would’ve been more protests and revolution attempts than we’ve heard about, had the state not already held a monopoly on surveillance, psychology and violence. It’s a trivial matter for an entity possessing all three of those things to break up an emerging protest or revolution that threatens its power.