Participants received $1,000 a month. They took better jobs, went back to school and started opening businesses.
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Submitted 7 months ago by to
Participants received $1,000 a month. They took better jobs, went back to school and started opening businesses.
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Its almost impossible to study this as to be done properly it must be universal and replace all forms of cash assitance.
Of course. Another person that didn't read the article.
or understood a comment. oh wait I did read the article.
I worry about these pilot studies, because they don’t show the large-scale effects on a nation’s economy.
Simply put: careful of drawing conclusions about UBI from a study on BI
We had plenty of real life tests. Look at COVID-19 as the latest large scale example. Countries were giving out people unconditional cash and research showed that it was overwhelming success.
There are also plenty of different scale examples in the world. See…/universal-basic-income-ubi-map
I’m in fovour of ubi and inthino we have no choice but to implement it in some way, but let’s not forget that covid payments led to huge inflation worldwide. Its led to a cost of living crisis.
"Be careful about these pilot studies on vaccines, they don't show large scale effects on a nation's resistance".
What do you expect to happen? There's a large-scale trial the size of a country from which to draw conclusions from? 7 months ago
So it seems that helping people out of the debt hole they’ve fallen / been tossed into makes them more able to work and contribute to society. What a concept! 7 months ago
Some people still can't seem to grasp it, no matter how many times you explain it to them. Once their jobs are replaced by AI and they're unemployable, I bet you they'll suddenly be screaming for it.