- Submitted 1 month ago to | 6 comments
- Comment on Fully-automatic robot dentist performs world's first human procedure 6 months ago:
The system, built by Boston company Perceptive, uses a hand-held 3D volumetric scanner, which builds a detailed 3D model of the mouth, including the teeth, gums and even nerves under the tooth surface, using optical coherence tomography, or OCT...This cuts harmful X-Ray radiation out of the process, as OCT uses nothing more than light beams to build its volumetric models, which come out at high resolution, with cavities automatically detected at an accuracy rate around 90%.
- Comment on Fully-automatic robot dentist performs world's first human procedure 6 months ago:
I prefer robotic procedures for things where I am under anesthesia, but for awake procedures I think im going to lean more human.
- Comment on Our US friends see the Olympic Medal table differently 6 months ago:
yeah I mean except for some exceptions where the gold blows everyone out of the water so often the difference between the medal holders is basically luck.
- Comment on There should be a semicolon punctuation for exclamation and question marks. 6 months ago:
are you envisioning it as a lighter exlamation, question ??
- Comment on New memory tech unveiled that reduces AI processing energy requirements by 1,000 times or more 6 months ago:
I hope this is true. ai has its uses but it can't be way more inneficient. It would be great if it answering used no more energy than a standard web query
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
I agree here. I would like the power to be with the individual. let us block at all levels, by keyword, etc. Let me subscribe to anything as well including other folks block lists.
- Comment on Despite Spending $100 billion on AI Google is still no where close to a real ai assistant | Amazon Walkout failure and no real plan for sustainable profit. 7 months ago:
I still consider it just another meta within chat. Its the next step from having the search summaries. It theoretically will aggregate more relevant links.
- Comment on Wall Street suffers worst day since 2022 as Tesla and Google earnings disappoint 7 months ago:
these always crack me up. oh a decline not seen in two years since the last few percent dip among the constant rise. People have to face facts. Wealth disparity is massive and the folks with most of it have not real place to put it so they are going to buy the market and real estate and such.
- Comment on Moms, I you were struggling with your child in public and a man offered to help, would you let him and why? 7 months ago:
Its wierd being a guy nowadays. Even years ago I remember going to the zoo with my wife and she is a picture taking type with a nice camera and there is this merry go round. Well she wants to go around and get pictures from every point but there are these benches and im like. ok well im tired im going to sit here and when you are ready to move on get me. Well when she was about half way around so just opposite me I suddenly realized im this guy sitting alone on a bench watching a merry go round filled with kids. Man was I glad when she was done and we were moving again.
- Comment on Largest Study on Guaranteed Basic Income Proves Transformative for Participants 7 months ago:
ah ok. that is my mistake then. I usually assume many of these are words for the same thing which I think of as universal basic income. I think we will see slight improvements from non universal things as we always have with social safety nets but we will see incredible things with a universal one as it changes the whole mindset of people on what they can do.
- Comment on Largest Study on Guaranteed Basic Income Proves Transformative for Participants 7 months ago:
or understood a comment. oh wait I did read the article.
- Comment on Largest Study on Guaranteed Basic Income Proves Transformative for Participants 7 months ago:
Its almost impossible to study this as to be done properly it must be universal and replace all forms of cash assitance.
- Comment on Before it's too late! 7 months ago:
I see that as a recipe for failure. Expectations are fine but when you expect for from someone else than you do yourself. Well that hypocrisy and will lead to either hate or neroticism. Every parent should just want their kids to be happy.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Sounds right.
- Comment on Why is there a lukewarm but no lukecool? 7 months ago:
I sometimes call water lookcool. To me its the really good drinking temp.
- Comment on Before it's too late! 7 months ago:
Whats funny to me is people who want for their kids something they see inadequate in themselves. Like obviously as a man you can't teach your kids to be a man then you must not know how.......
- Comment on Microsoft points finger at the EU for not being able to lock down Windows 7 months ago:
even when it was the bears I knew it was regulation and taxes.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
I think she has a good a chance as anyone and I doubt any running mate pick would blow it unless it was like that one guy that was a dem and went independent because hes basically a republican.
- Comment on New Visual for My Hero Academia Season 7 7 months ago:
woa. I had not watched it in years and I thought for sure it was done by now. might have to check it out.
- Comment on New Visual for My Hero Academia Season 7 7 months ago:
as someone out of the loop is that a new season. is it still going then?
- Comment on If I live in a red state, would it be better to vote for rfk to take votes away from trump? 7 months ago:
maybe in the primaries but this would be like not voting at all.
- Comment on Lab-Grown Diamonds Are Everywhere. This Company Thinks It Has the Secret to Making Them High-End 7 months ago:
yeah high quality has pretty much been defined by what cannot be done in a lab to prop up de beers. Remember on how colored diamonds were a mark of low quality but once they could not stop it then suddenly its special diamond type. oooh.
- Comment on Appeals court halts return of net neutrality | The Sixth Circuit’s temporary stay comes only weeks after the Supreme Court overturned Chevron deference, weakening the FCC 7 months ago:
courts have been the best anti trump/repbuplican ad.
- Comment on Just had someone say they are going to have a Fatwa put on me . What the hell does that mean? Do I need to report it or something? 7 months ago:
the same as them saying you will be excommunicated. or that they will hang you for high treason. essentially its total bullshit as they likely do not have the authority to do what they are saying.
- Comment on I don’t understand quantum physics 7 months ago:
einstein had problems with it. don't feel bad.
- Comment on Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales warns of addictive nature of social media [Interview with Nikkei] 7 months ago:
total agreement there. better for it to be than for it not to be.
- Comment on Watching videos of people screaming "shooter on the roof" at law enforcement 7 months ago:
I love people who think two seconds after someone yells gun a sniper is going to shoot someone. uvalde went on for hours.
- Comment on Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales warns of addictive nature of social media [Interview with Nikkei] 7 months ago:
im game for a noncentralized system that works some other ways but trustcafe is just its own thing and therefore centralized. I do love maximum end user config though and trust cafe has rate thing which is great. right now I can block something or subscribe or leave be but with trust cafe I can bump someones rating up or down to see less or more but not always see or never see the stuff.
- Comment on YSK that you can autofill custom fields in Bitwarden (and likely other password managers) 7 months ago:
thanks. not sure if I will ever use it but hopefully I remember about it if I need to.