The comment about waiting until there’s twitter drama to fix something is spot on. It took them a few days to fix this and it could’ve saved them the bad publicity for such an obvious fix.
Others have been asking for a password prompt for years too. Using the local keychain is good, though a user-defined password is a good option too. However, many people have terrible opsec and would probably opt for horribly weak passwords.
At least something has finally been done. 7 months ago
Tl:dr Signal is ‘insecure’ in the same way your mail is ‘insecure’ after you’ve opened it and it’s sitting on your counter. What, you don’t keep you mailed locked up inside you own house just in case someone breaks in? 7 months ago
I actually manually hash every letter I receive using a rotating cypher kept in a secure vault. Always rough when the letters include images… Had to invest in a storage unit for the pixel-by-pixel encryption of last year’s Christmas cards. 7 months ago
This is why I refuse to communicate sensitive information outside of telepathy. Know what I mean? 😵💫