The interesting thing about this is that these people never stop to think that the future they dream off might never happen. Aside from the fact that their cryo company might just go under, they don’t ever consider that in 200 years they might just wake up under a dystopia.
Every time stuff like this is mentioned, I’m just wondering…
Dude, even if you’re put on ice for like 40 years, extremely generous estimate, who’s going to care about bringing you back to life? Grandkids who barely even knew you? Your company shareholders who’d suddenly have to deal with a stupid caveman amongst them?
You’ll literally be better off dead for everyone. 7 months ago
Those attorneys must be laughing to the bank.
A frozen 2024 corpse is still a corpse and very unlikely to ever be otherwise. If it’s not entirely dead before going into the freezer it definitely will be after. 7 months ago
I wanna scam rich people too