This wont work for the same reasons anti virus software doesnt work.
AI is about to make software testers redundant
Submitted 7 months ago by to
Comments 7 months ago 7 months ago
I like how you don’t even try to tell these reasons ;-) 7 months ago
First of all, I don’t think so…try asking anything in Python. You’ll be faced with errors galore! 7 months ago
Look, it’s my favourite energy drink Peal Doul!
Joking aside that image is disgusting? Why is it so disgusting? 7 months ago
They wanted to pair their misleading headline and misleading article with a misleading cartoon. 7 months ago
is changing headlines okay now? 7 months ago
Why is the post title so click bait when the article only talks about mutation testing which is just a specific testing technique? A lot of testing is still done manually not even automated, it might be possible to automate test suite creation with generative ai and it’s already being done in the field but nobody really want tests that might be wrong which is the whole point of testing. 7 months ago
Because people don’t read articles, and this way OP can still get the rage-engagement
In a way, that’s what I’m contributing to now as well. So that’s why I’m not even going to