That is not how fair use works.
Then every time their commercial AI outputs anything even remotely infringing, they should be on the hook for every. single. incident. by. every. user. every. time.
Submitted 8 months ago by to
That is not how fair use works.
Then every time their commercial AI outputs anything even remotely infringing, they should be on the hook for every. single. incident. by. every. user. every. time.
A lot of people would be surprised by the kind of half-wits these giant companies install near the top of their orgs.
This dude probably hasn’t read a single license agreement in his life, and they probably got where they are by being in the right place in the right time. Instincts haven’t done them wrong yet so why stop now?
Rules for thee!
I feel like these tech bros are the same kind of dullards in highschool who would argue with the english teacher about how studying symbolism, metaphors and subtext etc. was a waste of time. They don’t view things like art or creative writing as products of actual labor because they’re not strictly technical endeavours, they don’t have the capacity to understand where that stuff comes from so they develop this world view where they see it as just something frivolous that creative people casually produce almost without effort or study.
The way these people’s brains work is, ironically, so shallow and literal.
Thats ok. I think its perfectly ok to “steal” m$ content.
We need something to poison our texts for AI. Dunno how yet though 🫤
Ironically, you having an anti commercial AI license at the bottom of all your comments makes you now more of a target for AI LLMs to steal from you due to Streisand Effect.
It will be fun when ai starts spitting anti commercial disclaimers at the end of every sentence.
this guy’s sweater makes his arms look like they are an outgrowth of his hips
If they can download and use our content without consent and for free, then we have every right to download and use their content without consent and for free. Corporations are just as much people as we are so I don’t see any problem with this. 8 months ago
That is super not how fair use works:
Considering that OpenAI is making a commercial profit from developing its ML models, they seem to have missed #1 already. #3 also because the model usually ingests the entire work, not just part of it.
Actually, this makes me wonder if the design of OpenAI’s business structure is intended to try to abuse this:
So, the “non-profit” part of OpenAI collects the data for “research” purposes, but then the for-profit side sells the product. 8 months ago
All of them are considered in tandem, not individually.
And being used for commercial purpose is not automatic rejection. Take YouTube, where fair use comes up constantly. Almost all the cases are for commercial purpose, but most qualify under fair use.
It’s very hard to argue that “AI” generated is different from someone looking at the original and making a copy by hand. And since the latter is allowed, by the same token is the former. 8 months ago
It is fascinating how liberal media are all collectively deluding themselves into believing any of these court cases are going to stop these AI companies in any way. Firstly, on the pure merits ML training is obviously transformative. A LLM is just obviously a completely different thing from an internet article. They are just completely different classes of things, whatever you might think of their respective values. Granted, copyright has been in past decades massively overused and applied to totally ludicrous things so it isn’t impossible that courts make an idiotic decision. That won’t actually matter though because congress will instantly “solve” the problem. There are many reasons for that chiefly; Tech companies have a lot of power, and CHYNA. 8 months ago
i dont think it really matters. this is going to be an all out war between media companies and big tech and big tech is much much bigger.