Nah don’t worry I had listeria 3 times and milk was only one of them. You got to worry about caramel apples and hummus just as much.
Also don’t get listeria I had a seizure while vomiting while taking a physics final and got yelled at for it in college. It’s just not a fun time. 8 months ago
This whole raw milk thing is truly breaking my remaining faith in humanity. Like I saw how we responded to COVID and everything we’ve done across the past hundred plus years in destroying environments, greed, and selfishness but for some reason this raw milk saga is kinda like the straw that broke the camels back. Just intentionally trying to work against the whole species. 8 months ago
It’s worse if you realize how many people have this sociopathic attitude as if they’re trying to literally speciate themselves and push their “inferiors” to extinction. Which is what this is, it’s a biological arms race, the same kind of shit non-European indigenous people had to deal with due to European settler-colonial activity. 8 months ago
I think it’s just the overwhelming stupidity. The covid stuff I can kinda understand because it was a scary and uncertain time. And maybe, to a point, I had kind of just accepted that the antivax “movement” had gained a twisted sort of legitimacy in some people’s eyes purely because it has been around so long.
But this… this is just beyond dumb. Dollars to donuts these people have been drinking pasteurized milk their entire lives and never had an issue. Missing vitamins? Take a multivitamin and have more than your body knows what to do with. Want probiotics? Eat yogurt!
I also just read that Louisiana might approve milk for pet consumption and that’s just so god damn sad. It’s one thing to spew from both ends due to your own stupidity, but quite another to inflict that stupidity on creatures who have no choice but to rely on you for their health and comfort.