Comcast later this month will launch a streaming bundle with Peacock, Netflix and Apple TV+ at a deep discount, Comcast chief Brian Roberts said.
$0.99 off per month for the first 6 months, then the price jumps 200%
Submitted 9 months ago by to
Comcast later this month will launch a streaming bundle with Peacock, Netflix and Apple TV+ at a deep discount, Comcast chief Brian Roberts said.
$0.99 off per month for the first 6 months, then the price jumps 200%
There’s something nostalgically comforting seeing comcast screwing people over with bundles again…
ahh yes. full circle
(i torrent everything)
Remember when TV used to be free, except that you had to watch commercials? I pay $2800 a year to this company for Internet and TV - and I still have to watch commercials. What’s wrong with this picture?
I pay $2800 a year to this company for Internet and TV
Did they connect your house with solid gold cables or what is this?
No gold. It’s what they charge us privileged Californians.
I pay $2800 a year to this company for Internet and TV - and I still have to watch commercials.
Wait. You’re paying $230+ per month for internet and tv? Even if I was currently living in Western Europe, a fully maxed out package there wouldn’t cost half of that and that’s without the time gated discounts.
(For comparison: tested with, largest tv and largest internet package with landline phone comes out to ~€95/month)
It’s $210 a month plus $30 in taxes and fees for 400 mbit internet with a 1.2 TB usage cap and a mid-tier programming package renting one cable box (required) and one cablecard for the Tivo box. Some months I exceed my internet cap and have to pay $10 for every 50 GB over the limit. Welcome to California living.
They can reduce the price as much as they want, but I still won’t pay for it until they get rid of the DRM. 9 months ago
Ssooo… a cable package?