- Comment on What do you regard as retro? 4 weeks ago:
Anything that came out when I was a kid or earlier is retro so anything pre 2000 is retro. Post is modern.
- Comment on Which will you choose? 3 months ago:
I decided to get weird with my 40s, am I happier? No. But am I more comfortable in my own skin? Yes.
- Submitted 3 months ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Microsoft is discontinuing its HoloLens headsets 5 months ago:
Too bad, I thought those were promising for industrial applications.
- Comment on Roblox announces AI tool for generating 3D game worlds from text 5 months ago:
I wonder what it would come up with if you fed in old text based DOS games.
- Comment on Best Patients 😁 6 months ago:
I don’t think assisted suicide is dystopian, I think it’s incredibly progressive and I wish it was more widely available. We give our pets more dignity in death than our loved ones and it sucks. The fact that we’ll keep a corpse animated for years just because we can’t let go is pretty fucking dystopian though.
- Comment on USA | RFK Jr. suspends his independent bid to be president — gives support to Trump 6 months ago:
I’m surprised, he was such a well spoken, policy driven candidate, you wouldn’t think he would just roll over like this.
- Comment on "Touching grass" is the modern equivalent of Plato's allegory of the cave 6 months ago:
I lost all of my weed in a series of small fires.
- Comment on "Touching grass" is the modern equivalent of Plato's allegory of the cave 6 months ago:
More like burning grass…
- Comment on A Black woman has never lost the general election for POTUS in US history but 46 white men have lost 7 months ago:
45 and 1 white woman
- Comment on How Much Do Customers Trust Businesses That Use AI? – Free Ai all 7 months ago:
Only 14%? People are more naive than I previously thought.
- Comment on Starbuck milkshake is like tobacco 9 months ago:
I stopped drinking soda for 4 months and when I started again I liked it just as much as before, it was sweet but not disgustingly so. Everyone has their own threshold.
- Comment on Golden retriever are the Volvo of dogs 9 months ago:
Did they invent the seatbelt?
- Comment on QWERTY Keyboards on a touch screen are still the stupid! 9 months ago:
Now I’m having another one. I heard if I keep stroking I might go blind (ノ゜ー゜)ノ
- Comment on QWERTY Keyboards on a touch screen are still the stupid! 9 months ago:
QWERTY Keyboards on a touch screen are still the stupid!
I know what you are trying to say but the more times I read your post title, the more I feel like I’m having a stroke.
- Comment on Comcast to Launch Peacock, Netflix and Apple TV+ Bundle at a ‘Vastly Reduced Price’ 9 months ago:
$0.99 off per month for the first 6 months, then the price jumps 200%
- Comment on QWERTY Keyboards on a touch screen are still the stupid! 9 months ago:
It makes perfect sense, we’ve been using it forever, it’s the standard, almost every person that’s taken a typing class for the last 150ish years (in the English speaking world), has done so on a qwerty keyboard. Why bother changing something that just works?
- Comment on CBT as a kink may be an evolutionary adaptation to protect men's most vulnerable (and evolutionarily useful) body part. 9 months ago:
I was really trying to wrap my head around CBT as a kink and came up totally blank.
- Comment on [Weekly thread] Men over 30, how is your week going? 10 months ago:
Close, security guard.
- Comment on [Weekly thread] Men over 30, how is your week going? 10 months ago:
That’s life, at the end of the day I chose mental health over a job. There will be other jobs.
- Comment on [Weekly thread] Men over 30, how is your week going? 10 months ago:
I got a new used lawnmower this week and a post hole digger for my tractor which will be fun to play with. I got the mower stuck a couple of times because parts of my yard are a swampy mess but it’s easy enough to rescue with the aforementioned tractor. On a more sour note, I’m probably going to lose my job today which sucks, I have a history of mental health issues and my job requires me to carry a pistol, I thought I had the fortitude to not think about it being there but I don’t. I talked to a doctor about my issues carrying and my ability to carry was revoked so out the door I go.
- Comment on Goatse, like Michelangelo's David, should be an exception to normal rules of censorship, due to its status as part of our shared cultural heritage. 10 months ago:
Google images, safe search off, you’re welcome.
- Comment on Elizabeth Warren slammed for wanting to ‘break up Apple’s smartphone monopoly’ 10 months ago:
I’m getting really tired of the word slammed, maybe writers need to pick up a thesaurus (it’s a dinosaur that knows a lot of words).
- Comment on I knew the Orange Storm Giga was huge, but jeez. 10 months ago:
Msrp $2500, crazy. I realize the Kickstarter was much cheaper but still.
- Comment on Has anybody played music on their disc-based systems? 10 months ago:
I loved the visualizations on on the PS1
- Comment on Tennessee legislature passes bill banning marriage between first cousins 10 months ago:
I just want to say that I love the gay first cousins argument. It makes sense in a fucked up way, I guess you could make a bill forcing first cousins to be sterilized if they want to marry and get the same end result.
- Comment on Trump rakes in record-setting $50.5 million at exclusive Florida campaign fundraiser, shattering Biden’s NYC haul 10 months ago:
I hope he continues to use it for legal fees and skimps on ads.
- Comment on Samsung: Tech giant sees profits jump by more than 900% 11 months ago:
Layoffs incoming
- Comment on Dreamcast - Virtua Fighter 3tb 11 months ago:
The Dreamcast is shy
- Comment on Best printer 2024: a humorous critique of the Google search engine and printer enshittification 11 months ago:
I’m buying my 3rd brother printer today, I got rid of my first when consolidating households even though it was working fine and only needed new toner once in 10 years. Recently I convinced my MIL to ditch HP but she insists we need a color printer so I’m picking up a second hand mfc-9340cdw to finally break free of instant ink. I look forward to not thinking about printers for another 10+ years.