SONOFF ZBMicro Zigbee USB smart adapter adds any USB device to your Smart Home setup
Submitted 9 months ago by to 9 months ago
I’m struggling to figure out the use case for this device - is it just a glorified outlet switch or can it communicate with the USB device?
It boasts “high speed” USB 2.0 data, but what devices is it actually capable with talking to? And what does it do with that info? Is there a list somewhere of compatible devices?
I assume data transmission rates over ZigBee are a joke (as they should be, it’s for low powered networking). What benefits are there to having this thing as a middle man for your data?
Not trying to hate on it, just really struggling to come up with a use case in my mind. 9 months ago
I think it’s a glorified outlet switch that passes data through.
I don’t know what you would use this for. Disconnecting devices like a printer I guess. 9 months ago
Most devices have a button you need to press to turn it on after power is enabled, so yeah, struggling to find a use case too. 9 months ago
That’s what I figured, but I saw “high speed USB 2.0” a bunch of times and got confused.
I’ll be sticking with my smart outlets for the foreseeable future, can plug multiple USB hubs into a single one. Feels like it would only be an added benefit in a few minor things or if you’re really really space constrained.