Former PM made the requirement to bring photo ID a stipulation of the Elections Act in 2022
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Submitted 10 months ago by to
Former PM made the requirement to bring photo ID a stipulation of the Elections Act in 2022
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Doesn’t surprise me, he has a track record of ignoring rules set out by the government, even when it was him making the rules!
Clown steps out of clown car, into the clown country he designed, gets back in clown car.
In Australia we don’t show ID either to vote. You just say your name and they look you up in a giant book and draw a line through your name.
Always thought it was strange. Honour system I guess.
Let me guess? You can also just vote at a specific polling station?
The system works, because each citizen is assigned to a polling station, and once a name is crossed out that person can’t vote again. If you happen to arrive at the polling station and your name is already crossed out they will probably ask for photo id next and if it is really you they might call the election office to find out what to do next. This system is somewhat crude but effective.
What Zagorath also replied. I can go vote anywhere. Everywhere in my region they have the same giant book with everyone’s names. They obviously reconcile it later to double check but it still amazes me as a system.
Nope. In Australia you can vote easily at any polling booth in your electorate, or with a little more difficulty (more paperwork, none of which requires ID) if you’re out of your electorate.
No, you can vote at any polling station. If you vote in your district, they cross you off their list. If you’re outside your district, they look you up. Also, it’s a requirement to vote or you get fined. Elections are on a Saturday and you must be allowed to leave work to go vote if needed.
That only works because you have compulsory voting, so impersonation is not really possible.
But I can just say I’m someone else and then they might get in trouble for voting more than once.
Same in USA.
One of the smarter members of society. At least he attempts to vote.
Boris: Don’t you know who I am?!?
Poll worker: no sir, you don’t have ID. 10 months ago
Sorry, Sir. You could be anybody who forgot to comb their hair. 9 months ago
Who,purposely didn’t to seem endearing or be underestimated. He plays a character.