Well Lemmyverse, how did he do?
I tried to ask the Santa Clara Board of Supervisors to look at the data from their own public health department, but they refused to lift a finger. They ALL ghosted me. I can imagine it’s the same in your community.
Probably because he comes across as on of those concerned citizens that rather wanna see people die in troves than employ common sense and cut back for a while.
The most important thing you can do now is to vote for a new US President who sees the harms of these vaccines and will stop it. The guy in office now will never lift a finger to stop the damage.
So he wants the other clown back? The one that recommended taking that horse medicine? And injecting yourself with bleach?
Yeah, no. If I was with those Santa Clara people I wouldn’t lift a finger either.
(I hope the next plague gets guys like that first 😒)
Hobbes_Dent@lemmy.world 9 months ago
Calling this news is an insult to the already enshittified news landscape.
airrow@hilariouschaos.com 9 months ago
“so it’s already a foregone conclusion the vaccines were bad and no longer newws”?
Hobbes_Dent@lemmy.world 9 months ago
If and when there’s a more dangerous pandemic - and that could be real soon - shit like this will very likely go down as directly contributing to the deaths of countless people. Millions.
That’s the historical legacy of this and those who promote it will be part of that particular Wikipedia citation.
pleasejustdie@lemmy.world 9 months ago
No, its just that VAERS is for reporting everything that happens around a vaccine so that the reports can be investigated to determine if there is a link between the report and the vaccine. In most of cases, the investigation turns up no link between the vaccine and the cause. The reason why this doesn’t make news was because it was debunked years ago when it was being spread around by right-wing pundits who, like you, didn’t bother to actually lookup what VAERS is for and how it works.
For Example: If you bought a burger at burger king and then got into a car accident. If there was VAERS for car accidents it would be reported that you had burger king before getting in the car accident. That doesn’t mean the burger caused the car accident, just that you had a burger then had a car accident. However if 10,000 reports came in of burgers being eaten then people getting into car accidents, it shows a trend that the FDA can investigate. And maybe they would discover that burger king put hallucinogenic in their burgers, but its far more likely that what they discover is people aren’t paying attention because they are driving with a burger in their mouth. As such the system will show a possible link between burger king and car accidents, when in reality people are just shitty drivers.
toasteecup@lemmy.world 9 months ago
Way to say you’re not hear to discuss but instead to talk at people