- Comment on Run Your PS2 Library from a $50 Memory Card Effortlessly 1 week ago:
Nope homebrew ps2 app to load games from hdd, usb, or ethernet
- Comment on Run Your PS2 Library from a $50 Memory Card Effortlessly 1 week ago:
what do you mean my setup? I have a fat PS2 with an OG network adapter that I removed the IDE board from and replaced with a SATA board and attached a SSD to it. Network cable runs from the network adapter to the wall, I have lots of magic behind the wall, and then it comes out at the NAS where I have a share where all the games are digitally backed up while the discs store dust in a box in my closet. Only game I currently run off the SSD since it won’t work over the NAS is FF10-2, and really the only reason I even ripped it was because that’s how I felt when the game came out…
- Comment on Run Your PS2 Library from a $50 Memory Card Effortlessly 2 weeks ago:
I have my ps2 games on my Nas and set up a share that Open Ps2 Loader could access, except the games that don’t work like that which u have on an internal ssd, this sounds like a much easier solution I could have done instead of needing to get an oem network adapter, a hard drive, a sata adapter board, a d all the configuration and freemcboot… sounds like this would replace all that… if I wasn’t already set up I would have gone this route.
- Comment on When Harris had to pick a VP, all media kinda agreed it should be a white male, to balance the fact that she is black and a woman. So Waltz is the DEI hire. 6 months ago:
Its “Walz”, no t, and yeah, Daily Show already made that association yesterday. within the first minute of the clip.
- Comment on Some subreddits could be paywalled, hints Reddit CEO 6 months ago:
yeah, I had heard of that, I’m hoping that since it was a while ago and most of them were the ones done by automated systems and not going through it comment by comment editing them, but I’ll keep at it, if I have to sneak one edit through a day or something.
- Comment on Some subreddits could be paywalled, hints Reddit CEO 6 months ago:
Pretty much, when they removed search engines who wouldn’t pay them was the final straw and I went back to reddit 1 last time and replaced all my 26,000 karma worth of comments with “Comment removed in protest of Reddit blocking search engines.” Took me a while, but meh, if they want to hasten its enshitification, I don’t mind doing my part.
- Comment on The easiest way to show the COVID vaccines are a disaster and that the medical community is looking the other way 9 months ago:
Correlation != Causation, VAERS reports != Vaccine Caused Issue
- Comment on The easiest way to show the COVID vaccines are a disaster and that the medical community is looking the other way 9 months ago:
No, its just that VAERS is for reporting everything that happens around a vaccine so that the reports can be investigated to determine if there is a link between the report and the vaccine. In most of cases, the investigation turns up no link between the vaccine and the cause. The reason why this doesn’t make news was because it was debunked years ago when it was being spread around by right-wing pundits who, like you, didn’t bother to actually lookup what VAERS is for and how it works.
For Example: If you bought a burger at burger king and then got into a car accident. If there was VAERS for car accidents it would be reported that you had burger king before getting in the car accident. That doesn’t mean the burger caused the car accident, just that you had a burger then had a car accident. However if 10,000 reports came in of burgers being eaten then people getting into car accidents, it shows a trend that the FDA can investigate. And maybe they would discover that burger king put hallucinogenic in their burgers, but its far more likely that what they discover is people aren’t paying attention because they are driving with a burger in their mouth. As such the system will show a possible link between burger king and car accidents, when in reality people are just shitty drivers.
- Comment on Mona: Court rules women’s-only exhibit must allow male visitors 10 months ago:
True, but changing the handle is just too much effort for me though, so I guess the plan is foiled in the planning stages. aww shucks.
- Comment on Mona: Court rules women’s-only exhibit must allow male visitors 10 months ago:
I’m not really an artsy type person, more of a logical minded person, so it really wouldn’t be something I would do. But as a logical thinker I’m good at coming up with creative logical solutions to puzzles. I’d be better as a consultant.
- Comment on Mona: Court rules women’s-only exhibit must allow male visitors 10 months ago:
They should just make it a small art exhibit out front, then 2 bathrooms, the mens is normal, with some basic art, but the women’s bathroom has a bar and cocktail lounge and the extra amenities. Then the business wouldn’t be excluding men, it would just be providing them a different experience in the bathroom which I feel like they’d have a much better time defending in court. But it also seems like this whole thing was done as a form of activism and it looks like one of the intents is for this business to close down so they can be martyrs.
- Comment on If on average, a person eats 8 spider in their sleep every night and assuming that no one other than one person ever ate a spider in their sleep, someone eats 64 billion spiders in their sleep every y 1 year ago:
For one, the myth is that people swallow 8 spiders per year not per night.
Another, its a myth.
- Comment on What's the most desturbing thing when you look up your username in SteamDB? 1 year ago:
I saw that too, then thought, “nah, I’m good”