Stay healthy
Submitted 10 months ago by to
Comments 10 months ago 10 months ago
I’m not going to ever claim that you can’t be vegan and be tough. Or strong. You do have to be more careful about some of your micronutrients, but most vegans that eat a reasonably varied diet aren’t going ever be malnourished.
OTOH, I will say that being vegan makes it much, much harder to get your macros really dialed in if your absolutely scrupulous about it. When you look at boneless, skinless chicken breast, you have a trivial amount of fat, and no carbs at all. Vegan protein sources always have either similar grams of fats or carbs as they do proteins. For very high level bodybuilders, where they’re almost always on a ridiculously strict diet, that takes a lot of the complicated calculations out of meal prep. Yeah, the stereotype about BBers eating broiled chicken (no salt!, because the equipoise has already jacked their blood pressure up to 210/80!), brown rice, and plain steamed broccoli are not very far from the truth. (Yes, the drugs make up the vast majority of their gainz, but scrupulous diet plays into that.) You simply do not see vegans specifically at the very highest levels of competitive bodybuilding.
Outside of that, there’s no good reason that you can’t get sufficient micro- and macronutrients with a vegan diet for most athletic pursuits, and likely at a price similar to or less expensive than eating meat. 10 months ago 10 months ago
Do vegans not eat avocados? That cuts that list down seriously. 10 months ago
I don’t eat avocados because the texture is absolutely vile; both squishy and oily. 10 months ago
OP just stepped out of a cryochamber from the early 2000s. 10 months ago
You know, usually when I see shit like this, I chalk it up to them just being an attention-whore troll. But your comment got me thinking, maybe they have been in prison or something and really don’t know how society has changed.
That being said, it’s definitely not the case here as I have been taking this, and their other user names since the spam started.
But it is an interesting thought.