helloharu@lemmy.world 6 months ago
Ridge Racer - Namco have really done it dirty and would love to see it revived. Take it back to basics as a pure arcade racer without the Burnout nonsense.
Timesplitters - Just pleeeeaaase.
Alundra - It was a JRPG on PSX and nothing ever came after the second game. It had loads of potential.
SSX - I still love the stupidity of those early games. Would love to see a fun another snowboarding game that doesn’t take it self seriously.
TAG@lemmy.world 6 months ago
In regards to SSX, after the success of the Tony Hawk Pro Skater remake, I am surprised that EA did not counter with a remake of SSX Tricky. I love how accessible the SSX controls are while still offering plenty of depth for people who want to optimize their runs. It is too bad that EA Sports seems to be focused on simulationist sports games (and live services).
helloharu@lemmy.world 5 months ago
I can across this a while back that might scratch some of the SSX itch for me - its an indy game that takes heavy inspiration from SSX. There’s a basic demo, it plays quite well on Steam Deck. Though I wasn’t a fan of the controls, so hoping the dev changes them or allows them to be changed.