And suicide squad
Comment on Watch the Explosive First 6 Minutes of TERMINATOR ZERO 5 months ago
I can’t remember if this has been posted in this community; if so, I will delete it.
Anyway, this looks good; I’m looking forward to watching it.
Also, what’s the deal with mainstream shows getting an anime adaptation nowadays? (not that it’s a bad thing) We had Cyberpunk, and now Lord of the Rings as well as Terminator. 5 months ago 5 months ago
Anime is popular, if the industry smells money it’s going to take it. 5 months ago
Far cheaper to make than a real movie with the ability to basically do whatever they want. 5 months ago
West has finally picked up on anime’s popularity. It’s only going to accelerate from here. Whether or not we will be blessed with quality or barf puddles…time will tell.
Personally, I don’t mind. But maybe if it accelerates too much to a point in the future where anime doesn’t feel distinctly Japanese anymore, or like it’s trying too hard to cater to a western audience it could be a bad thing. 5 months ago
If they take an existing IP and make a good anime I’m all for it but if they stink like the Rick and Morty one it deserves to be forgotten.
The terminator series needs a win though. The first two movies and the Sarah Connor Chronicles are the only ones worth anything