You still get all the same problems that dude is talking about.
Actually, I don’t.
And no, forums and wikis are not a replacement for the os just working.
Nobody suggested that.
You get the point.
I get what you’re trying to express, but I also have more than a little experience to the contrary. I’m almost curious what you and your friend did that led to things breaking as you described, but it’s not important here. Obviously, your mileage may vary, as with any operating system.
In any case, some people would rather learn new things than keep suffering Microsoft’s ads, spyware, and bloat. You don’t have to be one of them. 4 months ago
I switched over to Linux because I was tired of fighting Windows to make it behave the way I wanted while struggling to solve obscure issues because of meaningless error messages. I use my Linux machine for gaming/work and everything in between. The only reason I boot into Windows these days is for VSTs and Photoshop.
And I’m not suggesting that Linux just works and never has any issues, but it’s ludicrous to suggest that Linux doesn’t work in a way that Windows just does. If Windows just worked I wouldn’t have to fix stupid issues for my family and friends all the fucking time.