Could it be that racism creates conditions which lead to a higher frequency of situations which will reinforce racist stereotypes? Too much thinking involved, it makes more sense that the blacks are inherently different.
I have struggled to communicate what you said in your first sentence in less than paragraphs several times and failed. Thank you for giving me an example of how to say it succinctly. Let’s hope I can remember/replicate that the next time I try to get the concept across to someone. 6 months ago
You should do an AMA it would be nice to hear about your exp growing up like that and how you changed your life. 6 months ago
Unfortunately my experience is nothing short of common. Our current generation is the most tolerant in history, so naturally our parents will hold bigoted opinions.
If you want to hear a fascinating story, listen to Megan, who left the “God hates fags” church, and now tries to explain indoctrination. 6 months ago
I bookmarked this to. I am really filling up bookmarks with all these great links. So thank you.