Comment on Valve bans Razer and Wooting’s new keyboard features in Counter-Strike 2 6 months agoI refuse to wrap my mind around “professional”
video gamersports athletemusiciandancersculptor~painter~~writeretc.
People are called to create content. The fact that they have found ways to monetize that content is a net boon to society, because it means we’re truly in an age where art and entertainment can be consumed and appreciated, while the artists and creators are able to focus on their content creation full time. A key defining factor of the renaissance era was that artists were actually properly funded and could focus on their art without being bogged down by a day job. 6 months ago
Not sure if you’re an artist yourself or if your handle is meant to poke society’s nose. :)
Either way, yes, I know what art is. I also know that it is very much in the eye of the beholder. I just don’t happen to agree that playing video games rises to either an art form or a profession. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion. 6 months ago
If playing a game pays the bills, why shouldn’t it be a profession? 6 months ago
Nice work if you can get it, I guess.