Do you know of a good tutorial on how to do all that? I’m planning on buying a new TV towards the end of this year and want to have the pi-hole, etc working first
Comment on Your TV set has become a digital billboard. And it’s only getting worse. 6 months ago
Pi-hole, nvidia shield, custom launcher = less ads for the whole family 6 months ago 6 months ago
Pi-hole is super easy. Literally just install it, and set your dhcp on your router to push out that IP as your dns server. Configure pi-hole to use an upstream dns server.
There’s a bunch of launchers out there. I did mine a whole back and used Wolf launcher, but later found out it was a “hacked” version of some other paid launcher. I used launcher manager to “enable” it on boot. Right out of the box, it has all apps and no ads. I suspect any launcher you go with will be similar. 6 months ago
Cool. Thanks! 6 months ago
Which custom launcher are you using? 6 months ago
Flauncher here, and its great 6 months ago
How did you set it as the launcher? Adb? 6 months ago
Wasn’t even needed. Just downloaded the app with another downloaded app and then installed it. Then it props you what launcher you want. Plenty of videos on yt about this.