Your votes already aren’t private, they’re simply not easily accessible. I won’t get into the technical details but the short version is that every instance owner who is federated with your instance already knows how you’ve voted. Someone could make a website right now that collects votes and shows how someone has voted or who upvoted/downvoted a post or comment. It’s already public information.
Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 6 months ago
If I can’t vote privately then I don’t vote.
They should put the rest of the nails in this coffin. Go full clique. 6 months ago 6 months ago
You don’t. You never have. Voting already is not private 6 months ago
That just makes me feel like never up/downvoting anything on Lemmy. I think it’s super creepy that the devs and seemingly most people on Lemmy are A-OK with this. 6 months ago
I don’t mind because I don’t care who knows what posts and comments I vote for. I’m more than happy to stand up for what I think and why I think so.
Worst case. I get banned from .ml communities for seeing through the blatant ccp propaganda. No loss there. 6 months ago
Just curious, are you a man? Specifically, are you a white man? Because pretty much every POC and woman I know is far more privacy/safety conscious than damn near every white guy I’ve met who just lives his life with a ho-hum attitude about privacy/security.
If someone never comments in their regional instance but merely upvotes a post or comment, it’s ridiculous that this info should be made public because it can easily lead to someone getting doxxed. It’s so noble of you that you’re more than happy to stand up for what you think, but I really wonder how folks like you would feel if that involved your home address being targeted. 6 months ago
You need to explain why because either they’re misunderstanding something or the two of you are using different definitions of private. 6 months ago
As you wish, and probably a good idea;
Voting on lemmy is not private because anyone who wants to find out. Can. Be it moderators, adminis, or users on federated sites that simply show it for everyone. 6 months ago
Then you should not vote on the fediverse at all, since votes have been public since the beginning. The Lemmy UI just doesn’t let you see the votes.